Friday 6 December 2013

A big oopsie

I have to admit, I got bogged down with other things and actually forgot I had started this blog. Well, never fear, my non-readers (this blog has not exactly got many hits, or been updated. Perhaps that will change). I have been learning a bit over the last few months but am only now really sitting down to get into game programming. Right now I am really concentrating on using LibGDX because it seems to be one of the easiest solutions for quickly getting into game programming and allows one to target desktop and Android, which is what I am really interested in. Anyway, I have some ambitious plans for the next week. The next Ludum Dare starts on December 13 and I plan to make an entry. It won't be a very good entry, but I am using this to really spur me on and get involved in game programming. So, I will be using this weekend to greatly expand my knowledge and get some experience with these tools. Looking forward to next weekend!

Tuesday 9 July 2013

A beginning

I have been programming for a long time but somehow I have never actually sat down to make a game other than a few simple examples that we had to make for undergraduate courses. Nothing to satisfy my own cravings. But it seems like this is a golden age for the independent game developer. With Android phones and consoles there is almost no excuse not to get involved and create your own content. So that is what I am going to do.

I have a few ideas brewing in my head, but the one that excites me the most is the possibility of making old school adventure games. I grew up with these games and they suit my playing style. Twitchy gaming is not my forte, but slow paced, thoughtful games with interesting stories are definitely my thing. My goal is to eventually develop a game like this, I am not sure what engine it will use, or the exact genre (an Edo period detective story appeals to me right now, but that is because I recently read The Curious Casebook of Inspector Hanshichi).

Anyway, I am a long way off from realising this project, but I will be blogging about it in the weeks and months to come. In addition to this I am exploring other new web technologies so expect to see examples of projects using ASP.NET, jQuery and other neat things as well.